Día A Día

“The documentary Día A Día unbiasedly depicts the daily life of struggling individuals in La Paz, Bolivia. The trusting relationship between the German NGO "Soforthilfe La Paz e.V." and the characters allowed the filmmakers to document moving stories that would have otherwise remained hidden.”


CO-DIRECTOR: Tobias Kraus

SOUND DESIGNER & SOUND EDITOR: Alexandros Konstantaras

MUSIC COMPOSER: Ralf Schönwiese

NGO: Soforthilfe La Paz e.V.

World Premiere: 22.11.19 at Up-and-Coming International Film Festival Hannover

Runtime: 40min


Día A Día is one of the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful documentaries that I have ever seen. An intimate and poignant view into a world rarely seen."

Scott Hillier, President, ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival


35mm stills.